German Version
English Version 🔽
It was an honour for us to support Wilderness International in their efforts to save virgin forests in Peru and Canada, and we're grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their mission. Following their approach we wanted to inform without being judgmental, to motivate rather than preach.
The basic idea for this clip was to reach viewers where they are in this very moment: Sitting in front of a screen. So we put them in the center of our story and staged the narrative as an inner monologue of our protagonist surfing the internet and thinking about how to save the world. We had a blast working on all the little details and shenanigans and ultimately to “woodify” the whole user interface.
As yet, 2.8% of the Earth's land surface offers intact habitats. Still: 4.17 million square kilometres of fantastic, valuable nature that we can save together - before it's too late.
So let´s act now instead of waiting for whatever magic gadget Technologieoffenheit might bring us in the future.
Thank you nature 💚
English Version
German Version 🔼
Wilderness International
Directed and animated by
Uli Streckenbach & Robert Pohle
Voice Over German
Marius Clarén & Oliver Siebeck
Voice Over English
Tania Higgins
Stefan Rüdel, Interaudio Tonstudio
Sounddesign & Music
Kling Klang Klong
Produced by
Schnelle Bunte Bilder
Thanks to
Jette, Kai, Marius, Oliver & Stefan
Huber-Pohle-Timpernagel GbR
Rudolfstraße 11
D-10245 Berlin
+49 30 983 884 92
Huber-Pohle-Timpernagel GbR
Rudolfstraße 11
D-10245 Berlin
+49 30 983 884 92