Five different types of fish with different behavior and appearance fill the volume of the Kosmograf and hypnotizingly surround his LED skin with never-repeating movement patterns.
From time to time, the harmonious movements are broken by generative invisible hunters who startle the swarm. These impulses transform the Kosmograf for a short moment into a colorful and overwhelming play of colors to calm down again soon.
Renderings of the realtime-system during the process of developing +Panic.
+Panic is part of the inaugural exhibition After Nature in the Humboldt Labor at the Humboldt Forum Berlin.
Click on the following image for an in depth documentation of the development of +Panic.
»+Panic« is part of the inaugural exhibition »After Nature« in the Humboldt Labor at the Humboldt Forum Berlin
Design & Code
Architecture Kosmograf
Holzer Kobler Architekturen in cooperation with Studio Gourdin / Gourdin & Müller for Berliner Schloss – Humboldt Forum Stiftung
Special Thanks to Team Humboldt Forum
Alan Prohm
Ali Hosseini
Andreas König
Julia Kuhnert
Camera Video Documentation
Nikolaus Götz
Editing Video Documentation
Tim Rumpf
Composition Video Documentation
kling klang klong
Huber-Pohle-Timpernagel GbR
Rudolfstraße 11
D-10245 Berlin
+49 30 983 884 92
Huber-Pohle-Timpernagel GbR
Rudolfstraße 11
D-10245 Berlin
+49 30 983 884 92